Showtime fast approaching

Showtime is the 3rd September  so have a look at the schedule and think about what you can enter.  We would like as many entries as possible: it is your show. More details can be found on the Annual Show page.

Plot re-numbering continues – help needed

The renumbering of the plots has been started and is a work  in progress. If you can spare some time on a Monday,  Tuesday,  Friday or Saturday Harry would very much appreciate it: please let a committee member know.

Wet Plots

The problem with wet plots is being looked into. Some problems can be improved by digging your plot and using raised beds. There will be some advice issued for wet plots in the near future.

Community Pay Back Scheme Starts

Community payback team started on site on Monday 8th August. The plan Is that they clear lanes, trim hedges, clear un-let plots and other jobs that we need doing. They are supervised at all times and will be on site 2 days a week initially.