Extraordinary General Meeting

Dear All Plot holders

At our last Annual General Meeting it was agreed that an Extraordinary General Meeting was needed to take place to:- 

  1. Consider a new Constitution for our Society
  2. Change the date of the Annual General Meeting
  3. To merge ‘Allotments at Levenshulme’ and ‘LADAS’ into a single Society    

The Committee met on Monday 6th January and it was agreed that the EGM should take place on Sunday 16th February 2010, at 11.30am in the Society Hut.

A notice regarding this meeting is attached below.

Also attached is a copy of the updated Draft Constitution as prepared by the Committee to be discussed at the EGM following the changes that have been necessary in the running of the Society created by the introduction of the Colony Management System required by Manchester City Council.

I do hope you all can attend this important meeting and look forward to seeing you there.

Best Wishes


Eric Hudson
Levenshulme & District Allotment Society
Tel: 07850 784835