2024 Allotment AGM

You are warmly invited to the Annual General Meeting of Levenshulme and District Allotment Society which is taking place on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 11.00 in the Hut.

The current committee is made up of only 8 people and this does not fully represent the broad range of our plot-holders.  I would ask you to seriously consider where you can help increase the current level of support.

Please consider either putting yourself forward or nominating another plot-holder, nomination forms are available from the shop.

Our Committee meets only 8 times a year and usually meetings last up to 1 hour. I recognise this is a commitment but the more people there are on the committee the less there is to do individually. This is your society and therefore we need to make it more representative of your wishes. It doesn’t matter what your background is if you are interested please apply.

 If you are thinking about putting yourself forward you can speak to any of the current committee members for more information.

Voting will take place by secret ballot at our Annual General Meeting.

I hope to see as many of you at our meeting as possible.