Summer reminder to all plot-holders

I would like to remind all plot-holders that the use of hosepipes is restricted to the filling of water butts and not general watering of your plot. This is a council rule found in your signed agreement, and must be observed.   Please restrict car parking to the car parking areas and not in the lanes. Parking in...

Annual General Meeting 2018

I would like to remind you that The Annual General Meeting of Levenshulme and District Allotment Society is taking place on Sunday 18th February at 12.00 noon in the hut. Please find enclosed a Committee Nomination Form and a Proposal Form for any item you would like added to the...

Pre-order plant sales

To avoid disappointment we are planning to introduce a new ordering system for our Plant Sales in 2018. A full list of plants, when they are to be ready for collection and their prices will be displayed in the Shop. If you wish to order please collect an order form...

Council Allotment Competition

Our site will be judged on July 7th for the annual council allotment competition. The judge walks around the site and scores each plot for tidiness, variety and general appearance so it’s time to tidy and see if we can improve the status of our site this year. Can you...