Plant Sales to commence Sunday 12th March

Hello gardeners The plant sale greenhouse will be up and running, starting on Sunday 12th March. We will definitely be open one Sunday a month as I am prepared to organise it and run it monthly. I don’t want to commit to every week, so if other people want to...

Annual General Meeting Notice 2017

Our 2017 AGM will take place on Sunday 19th February 2017  at 12.00pm in the Hut. Please note: Papers for propositions and nominations must be received by a member of the Committee in writing by 22nd January 2017

Christmas Hut Closure

Our Hut will close on Sunday 8th December and re-open on Sunday 15th January 2017 May I on behalf of our Committee extend to you all our very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. We hope 2017 will prove to be a good growing year for us all. Lesley Perry (Chair)

Gluhwein, Glitter And Glueguns

The year is drawing to a close. The days are shortening and there is less growing and more tidying, repairing and prepping for the next spring. Take an afternoon out and come and join us for a relaxing afternoon in the hut… Levenshulme and District Allotment Society Presents: Gluhwein, Glitter...

Bonfire Night Event

Please note that we are holding our Annual Bonfire Night event on Saturday 5th November Free admission from 6.00pm Will all plot holders note that unwanted wood can be left outside the Pond Area (if closed) and inside (if open from) Sunday onwards NO RUBBISH please – a skip will...

Watch this Space

We are pleased to announce new additions to our Communications Team – Jane Carter and Mike Billinge with a little help from Rory. Jane and Mike have volunteered to maintain the Noticeboard at the entrance to our allotment site. It will co-ordinate with our new website and be continually updated....

New website goes live!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website! It has had a total design overhaul and is now mobile-friendly – meaning it looks great and is easy to use no matter what device it is viewed on! The site also has many new and improved features and sections including...

Plot re-numbering project nears completion

Our site has undergone a complete new mapping exercise. All plots now have a new address and a dedicated plot number. On each road the plot numbers start on the right hand side beginning with number one. The site has been divided in to 5 areas: Red Zone: Highfield Road...